Skies are crying
I am watching
Catching teardrops in my hands
Only silence as it's ending, like we never had a chance
Do you have to, make me feel like there is nothing left of me?
You can take everything I have
You can break everything I am
Like i'm made of glass
Like i'm made of paper
Go on and try to tear me down
I will be rising from the ground
Like a skyscraper!
Like a skyscraper!
As the smoke clears
I awaken, and untangle you from me
Would it make you, feel better to watch me while I bleed?
All my windows, still are broken
But I'm standing on my feet
Go run, run, run
I'm gonna stay right here
Watch you disappear, yeah
Go run, run, run
Yeah it's a long way down
Magyar szvegrt klikk
Zokog az g
S n vgignzem
Escseppek hullnak a kezembe
Csak a csend marad, amint vget r, mintha sosem lett volna eslynk
Muszj azt reztetned velem, hogy semmi nem maradt bellem?
Elveheted mindenem
Megtrheted az egsz lnyem
Mintha vegbl lennk
Mintha paprbl lennk
Gyernk csak, s prblj meg lerombolni
Fel fogok emelkedni a fldbl
Mint egy felhkarcol
Mint egy felhkarcol
Amint kitisztul a fst
Felbredek s eloldozlak magamtl
Jobban reznd magad, ha vgignzhetnd a fjdalmam?
Minden ablakom trtt mg
De talpon vagyok
Gyernk, fuss, fuss, fuss
n itt fogok maradni
s vgignzem, ahogy eltnsz
Gyernk, fuss, fuss, fuss
Hossz t lesz
De n kzelebb vagyok a felhkhz idefent